Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Best Little Konditorei

Tonight Jesse and I shared a dinner out with his sister Shelli and her new husband Brian. I've been wanting to try "The Best Little Roadhouse" a local restaurant similar to other restaurants with Roadhouse somewhere in the title. This place didn't have the peanuts, but they did have the warm yeast rolls with honey butter. Yum.

I have to say though I wasn't that impressed. I enjoyed the atmosphere of the place and enjoyed our seating. We sat on the enclosed deck that is open during the summer, but closed off and heated during the winter months. The yeast rolls where as promised, amazing, and probably the best thing about our meal, besides the company. Jesse had a burger he said was only "okay." Brian liked his burger and Shelli liked her pasta, and my salad was equal to Jesse's burger, only "okay." Not fabulous. I had a "roadhouse" salad, egg, cheese, bacon, tomatoes with smoked tri-tip on top and parmesan-ranch dressing. I've had better. We probably wouldn't go back to this place, unless I was really wanting some yummy yeast rolls.

For dessert we walked up the street to a place that so far hasn't dissapointed us. Gerry Frank's Konditorei: Exstravagant Cakes Et Cetera. By definition, konditorei is the German word for a pastries and confectionery shop. I kept calling it the "Kon-di-tory" now knowing how it was pronouced until some girls at work set me straight. When we first visited back in November I knew we had stumbled upon something special. Beautiful cakes were displayed in the main clear case, with slices cut out of them. On another side of the shop is a rotating cake display of whole cakes and a rotating display of cheesecakes and tortes, and finally the cookie and brownie display case. It is a small place, seating probably about 30 people or so. The windows fog up from the conversation in the room and the hot coffee served. Most leave with a box in hand because the portions are enough for two to share and still take some home. These cakes are so good, you really only need a few bites to satisfy your sweet tooth. Jesse and I can never agree on what we want, so we just get our own. Tonight Jesse had Gerry's Chocolate, which looks like it would be death by chocolate, but had a great milk chocolate flavor. I had the blueberry cheesecake and it was delicious.

I look forward to trying some of their other cakes like Peanut Butter Chocolate and Champagne, and also trying their Turtle Cheesecake and their brownies. We have to space out trips here to few and far between, but it is always a treat to visit.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My so-called TV life

Starting off with probably one of my favorite topics...Television. I grew up watching a lot of TV. No worries, I turned out fine. Went to college, got married and I have a job. I am what most would consider "chubby" amd you might think this relates to my love of television, however it is more related to my love of food. More about food in upcoming blogs I'm sure.

Since I'm sitting in front of the TV now, I think its only fitting that I start there. I have many shows that I love, and many others I like and I will watch. There are some I DO NOT tolerate and need to be taken off the air in my opinion. Lets start with the LOVES.

Biggest Loser
Not only entertaining, but inspiring, uplifting and motivating.

Law&Order SVU This is the only show I can watch re-runs of over and over again. Mostly because I always forget who "did it" and how the story plays out, even if I know, it's always still good. Tuesdays are a special day when USA runs basically a 12 hour marathon, I usually participate in at least a few episodes.

Yes, I love glee. As much as I try to miss it, I always end up coming back for more.

America's Next Top Model
Still a fan, after all these years...however, I will never be a fan of Tyra Banks. I watch mostly for Miss Jay, Mister Jay and Nigel...oh Nigel.

Cupcake Wars
A new little goodie I've started watching and I can't get enough. I want to jump through the TV and eat the cupcakes.

The always entertaining food network challenge. Building sculptures with food, who knew. It's amazing!

Next the LIKES

Lastly, a few shows I will now watch don't deserve to have a photo. I'm not going to waste my time searching for a photo.
Teen Mom- really?
16 and Pregnant- a look into teen pregnancy, no thanks, I'll pass.
Jersey Shore- I see an MTV trend.
Survivor- I'm a hater. Have been ever since Australia.

I think these are the only four shows I will not watch. Well these and anything else on MTV.

Other shows I don't really have an opinion on, I'll watch HGTV and TLC, but I feel like all the shows are the same, so why single them out? Talk shows are a league of their own, but I do enjoy Ellen and she is by far the most entertaining. Late night shows, I'm a Jay Leno fan, and I'm always up for a good host on SNL.

Of course I must mention that I USED to love Grey's Anatomy. I too met every Thursday night with my sorority sisters to gather round and watch McDreamy and McStreamy. But I'm over it, I just couldn't keep up with dark and twisty Merideth. Also, in the past I have been known to watch American Idol. I do enjoy the show, but don't have the dedication to keep up with it. I don't have time to catch up on 8 Tivo'd episodes, plus it's no fun once it's already happened!I'm not sure how I feel now that the judges have changed.  In addition, I was/am/maybe not a Bachelor/Bachelorette fan. This season though I refused to watch and have so far kept my promise to my self and my mother. I can't watch Brad Womack again. It makes me want to puke. In fact the whole show kinda makes me nauseated, so I might give that one up as well.

I think I've talked enough about TV by now and you can get to know me just a little bit better through this information. In conclusion, I hate MTV, but Food Network lights up my life. The hit it right on the head combining my two favorite things: Food and TV. Bliss and Chubbiness.

Blogging nothing at all...

This is my first post of my new blog! I love reading people's blogs, but I'm just not sure I have anything interesting to say. I enjoy blogging and if you enjoy reading my blog then great, if you don't then you don't have to read it. Some ideas my friend has suggested blogging about are foods, favorite places, family, activities, health and fitness etc. We'll see what develops from here.